YouNoodle Compete
Is an application management software that lets you source, receive, evaluate, and select the winners for any type of entrepreneurship program, innovation competition, and awards program.

Customize the application form to your unique needs, automatize communications with applicants, and set up the application window to fit your needs. Sit back while applications come in.

Design and develop a showcase page specific to your program with relevant information & updates and easily publish it to our network of entrepreneurs.

Get live insights into your program objectives while applications are coming in. Measure data like demographics, location, industries, and more directly on the platform.

Customize the judging form to match your evaluation criteria and scoring scale, automatically assign applications to judges and invite judges to begin evaluating.

Easily select a winner from the results ranking, which considers the weighted averages of the scores, allowing you to share the results with the applicants with one click.
How does it work?
The use cases for YouNoodle Compete are endless. Combine it with our one or more of your services or use it as a standalone product, the decision is yours, but the YouNoodle team will always be there to guide you on the best solution for your program.